martes, 24 de junio de 2008

Andrés Felipe González S - “El Vaquilla” one of the most famous criminals in Spain

“El Vaquilla” one of the most famous criminals in Spain

"El Vaquilla" was a man who starts stealing cars since he was 11 years. This criminal was characterized by its large thefts and his addiction to heroin. However, it is a good example to show that criminals have some values that although many people think not.

First of all, some criminals as “El Vaquilla” steal to help their families and the poorest people. This Spanish criminal is compared with Robbin Hood that had a very big heart. Secondly the values that have a criminal are the bravery and courage to do things. Criminals have a very important quality. The criminals have a great intelligence; they have very good ideas to commit their evil acts.

Moreover, criminals have many values but use them in a bad way. The criminals as "El Vaquilla" have many defects such as drugs, murders, robberies and vices. The criminals want to do good things for poor people, but make a bad way.

In conclusion, criminals have many values that haven’t other persons. In my opinion, if the criminals as "El Vaquilla" use their values a good way and not make harm to other people, the world would be a better place to live.

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