miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008

Listening Practice DAVID FONSECA

A Student Credit Card
1. According to the conversation, which item did the woman NOT purchase with her credit card?A. a digital camera

2. What is one reason to explain why the woman obtained a student credit card?
B. She hopes to establish a good credit rating.

3. According to the man, what is one reason for NOT having a credit card?
A. People generally have a difficult time getting out of debt.

4. What does the woman imply about how she plans on resolving her credit card problems?
A. She hopes that someone will give her the money.

5. What is the man going to do for the woman to help her manage her money?
C. show her how she can apply for low-interest student credit cards

Dinner Time
1. What does the conversation imply about the mother?C. She is resting in bed.

2. What is the first problem the girl notices about her father's cooking?A. He is not following the recipe.

3. How does the girl know her father doesn't like the pizza he prepared?A. He tells her honestly what he thinks about it.

4. What problem did the girl NOT mention about the pizza?
C. It was too chewy.

5. What do they end up doing for lunch?
B. They eat something different at home.

English Language Center
1. Which was NOT mentioned as part of the purpose of the English Language Center?
B. to teach students how to use English in their daily lives and at work
2. What is one course taught at the English Language Center?
A. business English
3. If the Fall semester begins on August 29th, by what date should one apply to the program?
B. June 29th
4. What is the tuition for a full-time student?
A. $2030
5. Which one was NOT mentioned as part of the application packet a student must send to the center?
B. high school transcripts
Grocery Shopping: Supermarkets and Food Coupons
1. Why did the man buy dog food at the supermarket?
B. The man adopts a dog from a stranger, and they don't have food for it.
2. Why does he buy tomato juice?
B. He's trying to modify the way he eats.
3. How much was the milk?
C. $2.50
4. Which item did the man NOT buy?
C. a carton of orange juice
5. Why does the woman get upset at the end of the conversation?
A. The man is preparing the steaks for the dog.

Yuliette García KureSmall, local shops are better for the community than large supermarkets

By: Yuliette Garcia Kure
Universidad de la sabana

Small, local shops are better for the community than large supermarkets

Within the different cities in the world, there are supermarkets and small shops where people can make their purchases. The best option for people are the big supermarkets because people get what they want in the same place.

First major supermarkets helps people get what they need, while in a supermarket or a small shop, not going to get everything, just a few things, necessary. In the big supermarkets you can find from the cleaning up what to consume, variety of products and brands.

Moreover large supermarkets to help the person to save time because they can buy everything in the same place, while people who buy things in stores or small supermarkets have to go to another store or even a large supermarket to get ingredients or different things they need.

Although small stores are useful for people, because when the person has the desire can get some things there and that you avoid heavy traffic or save some money on transportation.

I think that the big supermarkets are better because people have more options to buy whatever they want, and everything can be done in a single purchase rather than several as will do if they did in small supermarkets.

Yuliette García Kure...Can be considered a value similar to a belief

By: Yuliette García Kure
Universidad de la Sabana

Can be considered a value similar to a belief

People often confuse the meaning between value and belief and often this causes confusion among different positions and viewpoints that they want to express within society. These two terms are related but they are very different.

Values are the rules governing the behavior of individuals in everyday life, namely whether it is responsible, honest, kind, charitable, among others. While beliefs are the thoughts that people have about things. The second is related to culture and society. Some people believe that values are beliefs because they are points of view on something that is already established by someone. But if we realize are different terms.

But we found a similarity between these two is that through the values and beliefs people have achieved the majority of shares in their lives. For example, many people do not steal because it would be dishonest to steal or has a bad meaning for them, or because inside their homes had been inculcated not steal.

Although the two terms in many things are related does not mean the same, from my point of view the values are as rules are tightened and imposed by society, and beliefs are more personal, more free and less imposed by the society.

Local shops are better for the community than large supermarkets

By Diana Hernandez
In some countries there are varieties of supermarkets that people can choose according to their preferences or flavors. Sometimes the increments of supermarkets reflect the growth in domestic trade but the increase of large supermarkets brings consequences as contamination and the bankrupted of local shops and their owners.

Firstly, for the community is a better large supermarket because there are more job opportunities. For example, in Colombia there are supermarkets as Exito, Carulla or Olimpica where owners need more and more employees for the attention of their customers.

Secondly, for the community is a better large supermarket than local shops because people can find different brands of products or different price according to their needs.

On the other hand with the increase of large supermarkets owners of local shops can lost their customers reducing the income for sales. In addition large supermarkets bring consequences as contamination because in the streets there are more cars creating pollution in the air with the smoke of these.

In conclusion I consider that the increase of large supermarkets give more opportunities for all the kind of public.

Andres Felipe Gonzalez S - Listening Practice

Listening Practice:

1. http://www.esl-lab.com/car-accident/car-accidentrd1.htm

My Answers:
1. a
2. a
3. b X
4. c
5. a X

2. http://www.esl-lab.com/petcare/petcarerd1.htm

My Answers:
1. a
2. c
3. c
4. b
5. a

3. http://www.esl-lab.com/jobhunting/jobhuntingrd1.htm

My Answers:
2. a
3. b
4. a
5. c X

4. http://www.esl-lab.com/dear/dearrd1.htm

My Answers:
1. a
2. b
3. b X
4. c X
5. a X

5. http://www.esl-lab.com/dir4/dir4.htm

My Answers:
1. b
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. a

IELTS Practice Test Plus: Studium Audio CD 2

Test 3 - Section 3
Procedure for Bookshops

21. Booklist
22. Recommended
23. Sales figures
24. Yeargroup
25. Catalogues
26. Letters
27. Free copies
28. Value
29. Clear
30. Easy to use

Test 4 - Section 1
Event Details

1. 2 July Sunday
2. Marinal
3. 9:30
4. 1000 pounds
5. Hong Kong
6. Captain
7. Parent's permission
8. Jackets
9. Clothes
10. Name

Test 4 - Section 2
11. Stams and coins
12. Call
13. Smell
14. Fly
15. Introduced animals
16. Research
17. Global education
18. Collect kiwi's eggs
19 Chicks reared
20. 5% to 85%

Test 4 - Section 3
"City Traffic"
21. c: resut in more city suburbs
22. A: like the advantages of the suburbs
23. B: public transport will be more popular
24. B: result in lower levels of pollution
25. Sidney (16%)
26. Frankfurt (32%)
27. A
28. D
29. B
30. F

Tst 4 - Section 4
"Reason for preserving food"
31. Export
32. Food shortages
33. Lasts longer
34. Poisoning
35. Electricity supplies
36. Chemical preservation
37. Cheap to store
38. Hot soup
39. Belt
40. Dry soup

Listening exercises

By Diana Hernandez


Traffic Ticket

1. He exceeded the speed limit.
2. The driver didn't come to a complete stop.
3. The license is no longer valid.
4. The driver tells the officer that they have met before.
5. The driver is taken to court.

Movie review

1. Absurd
2. The doctor
3. The acting
4. Science fiction

5. at a movie theater

Teenagers should not be allowed to wear designer clothes or shoes at school. Taken from Total english student's book

By David Fonseca

Students in the world represent a school. However, in many countries they can go to school with clothing that does not represent or identify the school. In this essay, I will consider the topic of teenagers should not be allowed to wear designer clothes or shoes at schools

First of all, schools have student’s rules with institutional policy to identify the institution and students. Students need to wear a uniform to be recognized; his uniform identifies them to represent their institution. If they have designed clothes or shoes, people do not know in which school they study. Maybe they can go without uniform to university but not to schools.

Second, it is not good that young people continue looking as popular people because they don’t discover their own personality. There are cases where young people are left to bear the appearance of famous people or by popular activities like soccer, designers and models Students need to find their own personality and their own style.

However, some people think that is not important to wear a uniform. This helps young people to feel more confident themselves. They take on a personality in their own way of dressing.

In conclusion, I agree that students wear their uniform to be identified. They must be identified by their school. It’s the responsibility of schools forcing the student to bear the symbol of the institution.

Andres Felipe Gonzalez S - You decide where you want to buy

You decide where you want to buy

Everywhere in the world, there are thousands of shops where people buy things they need. In many small towns exist small shops, but in the cities you find large supermarkets. Many people wonder if they are the best small shops or large supermarkets.

In the small stores can get the same items at major supermarkets. The items sold in small stores are more expensive than those sold in large supermarkets, but these articles are better. For example, fruits and vegetables sold in large supermarkets are genetically modified food and selling small supermarket fruits and vegetables are healthier.

In small shops, employees are friendlier and know their customers. That is why customers buy always in the same places and are better served.

Moreover, large supermarkets people can find cheaper things. These supermarkets are located in cities and offer other features, such as in the large supermarkets you can pay with their credit card. In large supermarkets you can pay faster because there are more sellers who can help, you can also find other things like: technology, clothing, books, shoes and toys.

In conclusion, large supermarkets and small shops offer very different things. In my opinion the small shops are better in terms of healthier food, but the big supermarkets offer more items and more ways to pay. Finally, the decision to buy in small shops or large supermarkets is yours.

martes, 24 de junio de 2008

Andrés Felipe González S - Values and beliefs, different or similar?

Values and beliefs, different or similar?

Currently, people have much information in his head. For this reason always gets confused about some things. The values and beliefs have many similarities and can confuse people, but in reality these two words are very different.

The beliefs and values are similar in some respects. First of all the values we taught our families since we're small. Our parents have many values and they try to teach every day. These values are the beliefs that have the whole family. This is the only similarity between the values and beliefs.

Moreover values and beliefs are totally opposite. In the earth exist millions of cultures and they have very different beliefs, but around the world there are the same values for all people. For example, it is impossible to deny that a person can not be respectful or honest because it's kind of another culture.

In conclusion, values and beliefs are totally opposite. I think that everyone has many values and beliefs do not affect the type of values that every person has.

Andrés Felipe González S - “El Vaquilla” one of the most famous criminals in Spain

“El Vaquilla” one of the most famous criminals in Spain

"El Vaquilla" was a man who starts stealing cars since he was 11 years. This criminal was characterized by its large thefts and his addiction to heroin. However, it is a good example to show that criminals have some values that although many people think not.

First of all, some criminals as “El Vaquilla” steal to help their families and the poorest people. This Spanish criminal is compared with Robbin Hood that had a very big heart. Secondly the values that have a criminal are the bravery and courage to do things. Criminals have a very important quality. The criminals have a great intelligence; they have very good ideas to commit their evil acts.

Moreover, criminals have many values but use them in a bad way. The criminals as "El Vaquilla" have many defects such as drugs, murders, robberies and vices. The criminals want to do good things for poor people, but make a bad way.

In conclusion, criminals have many values that haven’t other persons. In my opinion, if the criminals as "El Vaquilla" use their values a good way and not make harm to other people, the world would be a better place to live.

lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

beliefs and values: how emotions and thinks need to be comparable

By David Fonseca

Beliefs are mental acts that are developed to satisfy people´s wishes; they are also mentally religious thoughts in which people have their own God, viewpoint and traditions. On the other hand, moral values are used to living with good habits. Some people say that values are similar to those beliefs. However, beliefs and values have different ways in human life.

First of all, a value is an aspiration that expresses the personal interests as a motive power, security, punctuality and creativity. That means that each person has a final draft in life, implementing the values that mark the personality of each person. While the value is a transcendental purpose of the person, the belief is close to the course of events and can be changed; beliefs are part of knowledge and information that people have about something.

Secondly, values are linked to the behavior of human beings that serve to bring a social relationship and serve to respect the other: the main tool for values that exist in a society is communication. The beliefs are different as they can change constantly; over the years, beliefs have changed throughout the world: in the fifteenth century, people believed that the world revolved around God, but later in the Renaissance, people thought that the world revolved around the man. Currently, people have their own religious beliefs, for example, some people believe in one God, others believe in energy, and others do not believe in anything.

However, there are similarities between values and beliefs. Both topics are linked to the perfection of the human people. People have used these acts and thoughts to improve their life and living in harmony. The purpose of them is to reach happiness.

In conclusion, beliefs and values are different. I think that values grow socialization with people in a community while beliefs are formed as the person knows new ways of living. Still, I completely agree that values and beliefs exist in the person to improve the world: that means that human ethics contains these two concepts to live in peace and harmony.



WEB: http://www.esl-lab.com/



My answer

1. Who is visiting Jori for the weekend?A. her best friendB. her brother BobC. her sister
2. What is Carol wearing?A. a sweaterB. a red sweat shirtC. a black blouse
3. What is Carol like?A. She's sociable.B. She's timidC. She's very reserved.
4. What is Bob wearing?A. a flashy suit jacketB. a green tieC. blue jeans
5. Jori knows Bob because:A. they work together in the same office.B. she is taking karate lessons from him.C. they met at a party two months ago



My Answer

1. Why did the man buy dog food at the supermarket?A. Their dog was hit by a truck and needed special food to recover.B. The man adopts a dog from a stranger, and they don't have food for it.C. The product was on sale at the supermarket for that day only.
2. Why does he buy tomato juice?A. He plans on making a unique spaghetti sauce.B. He's trying to modify the way he eats.C. He wants to make a vegetable drink.
3. How much was the milk?A. $2.05B. $2.15C. $2.50
4. Which item did the man NOT buy?A. a package of cookiesB. some cans of tunaC. a carton of orange juice
5. Why does the woman get upset at the end of the conversation?A. The man is preparing the steaks for the dog.B. The man only bought one steak for himself.C. The grill can't be used to cook the steaks.


3. http://www.esl-lab.com/dear/dearrd1.htm

My Answers

1. What does Brad have to do before he eats breakfast?A. clean his sleeping quartersB. go down to the stream to get some waterC. feed the rooster and the other animals
2. What happened to Brad when he went fishing?A. A tree branch fell on him.B. He lost his fishing pole.C. He slipped and lost one of his shoes.
3. What did he eat for dinner?A. steakB. hotdogsC. beans
4. What was Brad doing when he got lost in the forest?A. He was running away from a bear.B. He was searching for wood.C. He was wondering around looking for the cabin.
5.How did Brad like summer camp?A. He had a great time.B. It was okay.C. He didn't have fun.

4. http://www.esl-lab.com/expense/expenserd1.htm


1. To whom is the man speaking?A. his friendB. his sisterC. his mom
2. Which sentence would identify the man's current situation?A. He has a lot of expenses including student loans.B. He has a decent job, but he's looking for a new one.C. He's in debt and is trying to borrow money.
3. How would you describe the man's apartment?A. a small place with a nice view of the cityB. a spacious apartment that includes cable TVC. an apartment downtown with free parking
4. Which sentence best describes the man's dining practices?A. He tries to go out to eat every night.B. He doesn't know how to cook very well.C. He prefers to eat alone.
5. What does the woman suggest the man do at the end of the conversation?A. He should be careful when using his credit cards.B. He ought to get rid of his car to save money.C. He should stop spending money on entertainment.
By: Yuliette Marcela García Kure

Universidad de la Sabana

¿Criminal acts are considered values?
People are not always agree with the thoughts political, social, cultural and economic factors that exist in a country and people think that the best way to solve it with violence, thus creating revolutionary groups, those seeking to defend their ideology and philosophy in any way. one example of them is ETA group which seeks to uphold the culture of the Basque nation, but what we do not know is that many of their acts are surrounded by values.

In Spain one of the groups that has generated more terrorism is ETA, which organizes several attacks in different Spanish cities. Although not say that the end justifies the means, acts they perform are values that, unfortunately, because the philosophy they handle their values are. That means they need to have courage to kill, kidnap, to make each of their violent acts. But this should not be an excuse for actions which they perform.

ETA is a terrible terroristic group, put bombs in different places in Spain and ended with the lives of many innocent people. Another values that this group have are the power and goodness, the power to carry out these acts to the Spanish people and power because seek to defend anything their ideology and their region, demonstrating that the end does not justify the means.

Finally, I believe that many actions that ETA makes are not good for society and affecting the country at large. While not think the best way, they want to help their nation and defend it as Basque, which is why their values become antivalores leading to disarm a society.

viernes, 20 de junio de 2008


By Diana Hernández

Since children people always have been the belief that the meaning of value is same to good aspects but people can see in violent actions some values although any others aren’t agree with that point of view.

Firstly, in violent actions people can see values as the skill because criminal persons in each action should think in all the steps that they will realize. For example, Juan Jose Moreno, well-known thief of cars must to have in mind aspects as the place or the hour to obtain its robbery.

Secondly, other value can be the courage because criminal persons to run a risk of being caught by the policy or the same organisms of security and obviously they can be taken to the jail and pass some time in this place. Moreno often was persecuted by the police but always he had courage to escape and to deceive to its detectors.

On the other hand, although in some criminal actions people can see values, in most cases these are quite the opposite of the excellent formation that since children each person receives inside of their families.

In conclusion, honest people and criminal people as Juan Jose Moreno has many values but these are understand of different manner. While good persons think in values as excellent qualities, the criminal person considers that the values are same to all the feats that they realize.

Leader in Spain

By Diana Hernández

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, chairman of the Government of Spain, is a most important leader in Spanish because he recognized by profile militant moderate, conciliatory and open to dialogue. He always thinks in the population, we can see it in some laws of their government as the retirement of the Spanish troops of Iraq, the shipment from troops to Afghanistan, the legalization of the homosexual marriage, the law of the promotion of the personal autonomy, the Law for the effective equality between women and men, the creation of the Courts of Violence on the Woman and the beginning of the denominated process of peace with ETA.

Zapatero is married with Sonsoles Espinosa, his partner of faculty and teacher of music. He has beautiful daughters, Laura and Alba. Zapatero is a great fan of soccer, although he emphasized more like basketball player. Another liking was to fish and he is a great reader of Hispano-American Literature mostly of Jorge Luis Borges. Zapatero is a popular leader in Spain by his politic experience. He worried about topic as the increase in the economy and the level of unemployment.

On the other hand, one of the instruments used by this amazing leader is the capacity of disappear ideology and personal problems between his partners and calm strong environments. In addition Zapatero present a change of politic and social ways for recover the confidence of Spanish people. For this reason Zapatero look for a globalization with human face where the principal objective is improve the service to each individual.

Zapatero believe in a change tranquil, where the interest of Spanish population is the most important in their political career increasing popularity more a more.

jueves, 19 de junio de 2008

Can criminal “values” be considered values?

By David Fonseca

Criminal acts are considered as a bad action from all over the world. Crime is the breach of a rule or law for which a punishment may ultimately be prescribed by some governing authority or force. For many years, the law has punished people who have perpetrated acts like murder, violation, robbery and narco-trafficking. Jaime Giménez Arbe, called "the lonely", has been the bank robber most known in Spain. This kind of crime have values inside this, because Gimenez Arbe needed to be strong, courage and audacious, and bold to commit these actions.
Some people think that criminal values can be considered values because criminals take a decision to make bad things even they know the consequence: the jail. That is because although they know that they are doing activities against normal society and human rights, they understand his responsibility. "The lonely", as goberment know him for working alone in all of his robberies, have courage and audacity at the moment of the robbery: that means not to commit a crime is a value; that means that the result is justify the actions. That is a Machiavelian thought. Although he is maladjusted, for him the Fact to commit it is braver than any other heroic act.

Also, he had to steal in order to hold and feed his family; he needed to find money in order to give his boys education; he didn´t care how to find much money; He did it because of his family. That means that he did those bad acts for a good reason: the love for his family.
However, enough people think that kind of criminal “values” can’t be considered as a value because this action damages people. Criminals violate human rights, so they are psychologically maladjusted and they need help because they don’t distinguish between goodwill and evil. "The lonely" was captured on 2007; currently, he is in the jail and he is taking psychological help.
In conclusion, criminal values are values even the crime is a human violation because they have to confront disagree people and the voice of the authority. They are trayed in a strong manner and they have to live all their life with that they did.

miércoles, 18 de junio de 2008


COD: 200410250.


A true leader must have many qualities and values. There are great leaders throughout the world, but one of the most important is King Juan Carlos I of Spain. The true leader has considerable popularity and has values such as honesty, respect, patience, intelligence and shrewdness, is for this reason that the King of Spain is the most important leader in his country.

The king of Spain has helped many poor people to live a better way, a clear example of this is that rates of poverty, malnutrition and illiteracy has been reduced by 15% over the past four years. Juan Carlos I is a true leader because it helps his country and his compatriots leave ahead. This character is the main leader of Spain that organizes his entire country and makes all people living in Spain are one. All Spanish people know that King Juan Carlos I is a true leader who helps the Spanish people and the governments of another countries.

However, there are many people who disagree with the leaders and for this reason trying to destroy them. In the year 1981 some people's army, attempted a coup to overthrow the King. Most governments in the world perform bribes and steal money just looking for personal gain. That is why these people do not like that exist unless there are leaders and Kings to help people in his country. Fortunately the King of Spain managed to continue its work and today is much more popular than before.

In conclusion, a true leader must possess many values, also needs to know to communicate so that everyone can listen and understand. In my opinion The King of Spain is a true leader because he has all these qualities and also mixes with the human warmth and good humor that characterizes all people of Spain.

martes, 17 de junio de 2008

Leader: Rodríguez Zapatero and the mission of how to be a good leader

By David Fonseca

Leaders from over the world are responsible for the safety of a nation. Characters like Gandhi, Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Jorge Eliécer Gaitán were leaders who stood out for being great human beings. They had great values and they have helped the poor and needy people. In the case of Spain, a good leader is José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the first minister. He is a socialist political and very popular in his country because he has made several reforms that help the society. Values such as social equality, solidarity, responsibility, punctuality, honesty and respect are introducing the quality of Rodriguez Zapatero as the most important and popular leader of Spain.

Therefore, the above shows that Zapatero has the value of solidarity. He acts strongly and nobly and his mission is to improve the lifestyle for each one of the Spanish people, the education and national identity. For that reason, Rodríguez Zapatero is too popular in his country. That’s why many people follow him, because his policy goes according to the human rights, the ethic and religion.

However, there are many people who don’t like the policy of Zapatero. For them, Rodriguez Zapatero needs to be most competitive whit other governors from all over the world; the opposite people says “he should worry about the economic wrought more than the care of families because we live in the age of globalization”. Rodriguez Zapatero would not change his values because he consider that a good leader needs to be a human person with heart and soul.
In conclusion, I believe that Zapatero's popularity has increased because he has different values, for this reason, he has been appointed as a good leader. A good leader has a mission to be an example for the people. He must to get his promises real to be recognized in history for many years. That’s what I said: the development of Spain depend of this leader.

FAMILY IN SPAIN By David Fonseca


By Diana Hernández

Generally, Spanish people are of strong character, proud and serious people because from children are educated with discipline and rigidity.

On the families and the schools the formation is based on the respect of norms established within each familiar group.

In Spain the harmony is based on the profits and I put reached about each individual without considering the society. Some times the Spaniards prefer to work hard replacing special moments with their families and friends.

Although Spanish are intelligent people and intellectual he needs to worry to them more about the familiar unit. Spanish people prefer a harmony based on its pride that a harmony based on the happiness.

The seven deadly sins and values

By Diana Hernández

The seven deadly sins receive this name because give origin other vices. In this select group we can find antivalues such as lust, gluttony, avarice, laziness, anger, envy and arrogant.

The lust consist in obssesive thoughts or desires of sexual nature. This bad value bring consequences like adultery and violation.

The gluttony is the excessive consumption of food and drinks. Sometimes the obssesive consumers can to present a great level of alcoholism because this persons feel the need of consume more and more it drinks.

Other sin is the greed or avarice. This is a most dangerous sins because it is based in the acquisition of wealth. The greedy persons are traitorous and dishonest.

In addition we can find in this select group of sins the laziness that look for to put faither away our obligation and duties.

The ira is similar to the hatred. Sometimes people wish bad things for other persons.

Finally, we can find in the same position the envy and the arrogant because the two sins talk about the insatiable desires by get a thing that other persons have in their power.

lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

yuliette García Kure...History leaders of Spain

By: Yuliette García Kure
Universidad de la Sabana

Juan Carlos Borbón a leader to change the life of a country

In most countries have leaders who do different activities to help the development of people and the progress of the same. In Spain is consider like leader the King Juan Carlos de Borbon, who made every effort to change the reality of his country, he giving freedoms to individuals and ending with the dictatorship imposed by General Franco. So i publicizing the most important achievement of King Juan Carlos which made it a leader for the nation.

Juan Carlos Alfonso Victor Maria de Borbon y Borbon-Two Sicilies, king of Spain, was born on January 5, 1938 in the Anglo-American Hospital in Rome as the second of four children of Juan de Borbon y Battenberg (1913-1993) and Maria de las Mercedes de Borbon y Orleans-Two Sicilies (1910-2000), futures counts of Barcelona.

After the death of General Franco, which marked the replacement of the Bourbon monarchy after eight years of parliamentary republic and 36 of dictatorship in 1975, Juan Carlos de Borbon, the current King of Spain, and Franco's successor, became King the country. So with the appointment of the new King, in the same year, Spain had great contributions by Juan Carlos for the government and effective progress of the country; Spain change to democracy, joining the European Union and the economic and social modernisation the country. Juan Carlos Borbon, in 1978 resigned from the attributes of the King, inherited from the Franco dictatorship and take the role of constitutional monarch and parliament. In other words, reigns but does not govern or not have absolute political power.

Many people want and respect Don Juan Carlos de Borbon because thanks to him the country to have achieved social stability, economic and political. With democracy Spaniards managed to have a voice and vote within the country, ie can choose the person to represent the country.

It is an enterprising man, fighter, has the ability to set goals and targets, has grown as a leader and still grow their people, people who speak with him and are pleased to know that they say has charisma, on the other hand Don Juan Carlos is always looking for innovative new and better ways to do things that are necessary for Spain, is responsible and this constantly informed of the things they need your people. With this we realize that the Spanish King has all the characteristics that a good leader must have in order to help his country.

Thus, King Juan Carlos de Borbon is respected inside and outside of Spain for having made the institution that runs a symbol of democracy and stability

if you want more about this leader:


ANDRÉS FELIPE GONZÁLEZ S - The Value of creativity in Spain

Seven deadly sins By: Yuliette Marcela García Kure

By: Yuliette García Kure
Universidad de la sabana

Seven deadly sins

Deadly sins are called capital because they generate other sins, other vices. These sins are pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony and Anger. Many people say they are vices that lead to big problems for the person's life, it is important to show the true meaning Deadly Sins that have, so here talk a bit of what they are and the meaning that each has.

The classification of the Deadly Sins, have been mentioned in early Christian teachings Catholic in order to educate their followers on morality. The Roman Catholic Church divides sins into two main categories: "venial", those who are relatively minor and can be forgiven through any sacrament of the Church; and "fatal", which, being committed, destroying the life of grace and create the threat of eternal damnation unless they are acquitted through the sacrament of confession, or being forgiven after a perfect contrition by the penitent.

Capital One sin is one that has an excessively so desirable so that in their desire, a man commits many sins by that original flaw, St. Thomas, said. So the sins Capitals are called so because the man is constantly sin and those acts originate other acts that cause not a quarrel with God but a departure for acts that comment ill as a result of these sins.
But I will explain what are the seven deadly sins and the role that have in people's behaviour. The first is the desire Pride before the high honor and glory, the person must have humility to recognize that we are sinners and we are all equal for good or evil. Greed is another where the premium money to anything in life, this man should give and help those most in need without hesitation.
The third capital sin is Lust, sex-related topic, it is the person achieves Casta handle the thoughts and sexual acts. Another thing is to Anger , the fourth deadly sins, it is important to have patience with the problems and seek a solution without feel hatred for others.

Gluttony is the other vice, it should be controlled at the time to eat or drink, because other people need food and if you get shares more. Sloth is also the capital Envy not feel angry about what others can accomplish, that's not helping people have a high self-esteem. And make others do not wish the good of others but evil. And finally is Laziness, which is when the person does not respond to the few obligations and everything ago reluctantly.
With this we realize that human life is full of sins, and are reflected in many actions that man performs on a daily basis. with the Deadly Sins originate others sins who really affect a person's life, to the extent that cause damage and loss of the essence of being human.

SEVEN DEADLY SINS: The end of the world?

By David Ricardo Fonseca

In the world, humans are exposed to commit sins. Religions have tried to persuade people not to commit sins. "The capital sins or vices are those to which human nature is primarily inclined fall. The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, are a classification of vices that were originally used in earlychristian teachings to educate and instruct followers concerning inmoral fallen man's tendency to sin."1 The seven deadly sins: gluttony, sloth, greed, anger, lust, envy and arrogance. For more than 2000 years, these sins have inspired religious and artists to work hard in order to help people not to sin and live the life harmonies.

The definition of Seven Deadly Sins has been a fluid process, and as is common in religion, the idea of what each of these sins wraps has evolved over time. This process has been assisted in history because they are mentioned in one way encoded in the Bible; too, writers have been inspired to write literary books that prove the existence of good and evil: a great example is "The Divine Comedy ", Written by Dante Allighieri, is considered one of the masterpieces of Italian literature and world literature, where the writer describes originally hell, purgatory and paradise. In this work the deadly sins are replaced by people living in the shadows and who committed some of the seven sins.

Actually, gluttony is the excessive consumption of food and drink. The gluttony also includes certain forms of destructive behavior. Thus, the abuse of alcohol or psychoactive substances can be seen as examples of gluttony. In the "Divine Comedy" Alighieri wrote that penitents in Purgatory were forced to stand between two trees, unable to meet and eat fruits hanging from the branches of these, the greedy forced to smell the aroma of food without power taste.

The laziness is the most "metaphysical" of the Deadly Sins as is referred to the inability to accept and take care of the existence as such. God created man to work for his own livelihood and to conduct activities to assist in their health. This sin is in all countries but it is difficult to control because each person is responsible for their health. Also, The lust is usually considered the sin which includes obsessive thoughts or desires or excessive sexual nature. The unfulfilled lust can lead to sexual compulsions or sociological and / or transgressions including addiction to sex, adultery and rape. The concept of Dante was "excessive love for others," which would result in love and devotion to God as one second.

Greed applies only to the acquisition of wealth in particular. This sin has caused problems in all governments worldwide. Characters like Hitler, Stalin, Pinochet Napoleon or blindly were overrun by greed, and this brought serious consequences for the development of democracy in the world. Also, the anger can be described as a feeling of hatred and anger. These feelings can manifest as a denial of truth, both to others and made yourself, impatience with the procedures of law and the desire for revenge.

As greed, envy is characterized by an insatiable desire, however, differ by two major reasons: First, greed is more associated with material goods, while the envy may be more general, secondly, those who commit the sin of envy want something that someone else has, and they perceive that they need. Dante defined this as "love themselves to goods perverted desire to deprive others of theirs." The Purgatorio of Dante, the punishment for jealous was to close their eyes and Coco, who had received a pleasure to see others fall. Finally, pride is considered the original and most serious of Seven Deadly Sins, and indeed, is also the main source of stemming the other. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to flattery to the other. This sin is committed by lucifer want to be like God.

I think that the world is on trial with God. They must be strong to the sins that the devil offers. Committing a sin capital is serious for the Catholic faith and for the development of the same person. Each is committed to live in harmony and at peace with the neighbor.

1: take it by wikipedia.com

Value: The family in Spain

By David Fonseca

Spain is the second country most visited by the tourist because it offers fascinating meal, exotic places and many activities that you probably would like. One of the most important values of this extraordinary nation is family. Family, which is considered in that culture as the center of our society, while in practice the family has had until recently very little attention from political parties that have governed our country; now, they are considered an important point to conserve the national identity.

Currently, public policies to support families in Spain are inadequate on the European continent. This lack of interest is due to garrafal conservatism dominant in this culture. This is sad because the conservative policy has not been worried about the centrality of the family, without offering help and services that facilitate their development and growth of natural lifestyle.

Moreover, government believes that father works, and with his salary or income he is responsible for the achievement and sustenance of the family, while the mother is responsible for breeding and care of her children. Also, she is responsible for the household. In many cities of Spain, the woman cooks to her husband and children. Besides, while the childdren are not very adult, they are educated by their mother before to start the college.

This is a problem, because the family economy declines by 25% per year. In 1995, families in which the man worked, it had a limited economic sustainability, while families where men and women worked, it increased by 10% over 100% of their income.

However, democratic members in Spain believes that the family belongs to the national identity of the country, where social democracy has been known as the political tradition that has given more support to families, providing of services such as public schools and home care services for the elderly and persons with disabilities. This allow the development of each member. For them, women are considered on equal terms with men; they have the right to work for autonomy. responsibilities and career aspirations.

Spain or the kingdom of Spain has thrilling places and activities to do. I think that the topic of the families needs to be checked by the government. Family is the natural life structure in many places. Finally, It`s very important to understand that family in Spain requires ideological and economic changes to preserve economic growth and the national identity.

Seven deadly sins: - Greed and avarice a bad sins

COD: 200410250.

Greed and avarice a bad sins

All people have some shortcomings that we must improve, the seven deadly sins, are a sample of the vices of humans. The deadly sins are: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, anger and arrogance. These vices were mentioned by the first Catholics to educate people.

The Catholic religion mentions that these sins can be forgiven only if people confess. Many people commit these vices by necessity and for this reason all people have the opportunity to confess.

Moreover one of the most serious deadly sins is greed or avarice. In many countries people see it as theft and robbery with violence, these are two clear examples of these vices because people always want more material things.

In many countries the government has problems with these sins. Many people who work in government betray the other with bribes because they want the personal benefit, but not everyone has these vices. Many people are helping others and not care about material things. Great characters in the human history like as Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Gandhi devoted his entire life to helping people and not looking for material things.

In conclusion, people must help others and not seek their benefit. Everyone knows that it is difficult to refuse and say no, but it is important that we all think that life is not only money and fame.


Video: HARMONY IN SPAIN By Diana Hernández

Value: Creativity in Spain

Andrés Felipe González Sandoval.
ID: 200410250.
English VII

The value of creativity in Spain

Spain, a country located west of the European continent, is characterized by a wide variety of values. One of the most important values of this country is creativity. People in Spain, before and now, is really creative in all aspects of daily life.

People of Spain are creative since antiquity; a clear example of this is the great Roman Empire, which holds the current territory of Spain since the 44 century. The Romans used their creativity to create large structures like the Roman coliseum. We need a lot of creativity to make a building with dark tunnels so as the night, also need a lot of creativity to make a roof covering a portion of the coliseum. The walls of the coliseum are so great that it seems rock cliffs, their statues are so real that it seems that life had its interior and is so sophisticated that it appears that had been built in the twentieth century. The coliseum is a great example of creativity of the Spanish people in the past.

Nowadays, people in Spain use their creativity in various activities like art, sports, music and food. The artists of Spain are among the best in the world and many important works of art were born in this country. The Spanish football team, use creative tactics game so that it looks as if the soccer field outside a chessboard. Spanish music combines rhythms of flamenco, with some percussion instruments from Africa, the result of this mix are sounds that resemble the music of nature, with sounds of birds, water, wind and horses. The food of Spain has combined sweet and sour flavors. Only in Spain can eat paella original, with shrimp and prawns from the Mediterranean Sea. This is a clear example of the creativity of the Spanish people at present.

In conclusion, Spanish people have creativity from centuries before Christ. Creativity is currently seen in all the activities. These activities make this country is one of the most prominent in many things and for this reason that Spain is one of the countries with more cultural values throughout the world.

domingo, 15 de junio de 2008


BY: Yuliette Marcela García Kure
Universidad de la Sabana


Throughout history religion has been a topic discussion, creating different positions in those countries and descendants of Spain. So you may know the influence of devotion in Spanish region, just how the religion influences the political and cultural development of a wonderful country.

Catholicism became the state religion in 1851, when the Spanish government signed a Concordat with the Vatican that committed Madrid to pay the salaries of the clergy and to subsidize other expenses of the Roman Catholic Church.

Thus we can see that Catholicism is the predominant religion in the country, most cities are Catholic and conducted various activities to make its largest faith. For example Spanish people hikes performed during Lent and people realize meet some traditional visits to the dead as a special day of the week holy, and also people make visits to churches and perform prayers, also tradition to go to church every Sunday. In each of the artistic monuments of Spain there is any religious image. But there are also other religions as Protestantism, Judaism, Islam (all since 1992), Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and Buddhism, the latter accepted in 2007. Religion in Spain has had strong influence in art, literature and music. Most museums, as previous mentioned has meaning of the Catholic Church. Artists like Velazquez, performed works with religious messages, Christ Church, Popes, among other works show the influence of the church.

Anyone who visits Spain should be aware that almost all the cities have relationship with the church and this to develop in buildings, museums and in the different religious celebrations.
if you want more about devotion in Spain:

martes, 10 de junio de 2008

Diana Carolina Hernàndez`s Profile

My name is Diana Hernández. I am 21 years old. I study Social Communication. I like listening several kind of music and watching movies with my friends. My favorite book is humiliated and offended of Dostoyevsky and my favorite movie is The house of the lake. I think that I am a friendly person and I am good listener and my fault more well-known is my strong character in some moments

David Ricardo Fonseca Soler`s Profile

My name is David Fonseca. I´m 23 years old and my birthday is in abpril 21. I study Social Communication and Journalism at Sabana University and I want to do a specialization in TV production or Organizational comunication. I like to play guitar to sing and share with my friends. My favorite book is Rayuela of Julio Cortázar. One of my favorite movies is Ocean`s eleven.

I worked in Six Flags New England for six months, a park situated in United States, Massachusetts, and I understood the importance to learn english to know new people; for that reason I want to learn and improve the language for opening doors of new cultures.