lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

SEVEN DEADLY SINS: The end of the world?

By David Ricardo Fonseca

In the world, humans are exposed to commit sins. Religions have tried to persuade people not to commit sins. "The capital sins or vices are those to which human nature is primarily inclined fall. The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, are a classification of vices that were originally used in earlychristian teachings to educate and instruct followers concerning inmoral fallen man's tendency to sin."1 The seven deadly sins: gluttony, sloth, greed, anger, lust, envy and arrogance. For more than 2000 years, these sins have inspired religious and artists to work hard in order to help people not to sin and live the life harmonies.

The definition of Seven Deadly Sins has been a fluid process, and as is common in religion, the idea of what each of these sins wraps has evolved over time. This process has been assisted in history because they are mentioned in one way encoded in the Bible; too, writers have been inspired to write literary books that prove the existence of good and evil: a great example is "The Divine Comedy ", Written by Dante Allighieri, is considered one of the masterpieces of Italian literature and world literature, where the writer describes originally hell, purgatory and paradise. In this work the deadly sins are replaced by people living in the shadows and who committed some of the seven sins.

Actually, gluttony is the excessive consumption of food and drink. The gluttony also includes certain forms of destructive behavior. Thus, the abuse of alcohol or psychoactive substances can be seen as examples of gluttony. In the "Divine Comedy" Alighieri wrote that penitents in Purgatory were forced to stand between two trees, unable to meet and eat fruits hanging from the branches of these, the greedy forced to smell the aroma of food without power taste.

The laziness is the most "metaphysical" of the Deadly Sins as is referred to the inability to accept and take care of the existence as such. God created man to work for his own livelihood and to conduct activities to assist in their health. This sin is in all countries but it is difficult to control because each person is responsible for their health. Also, The lust is usually considered the sin which includes obsessive thoughts or desires or excessive sexual nature. The unfulfilled lust can lead to sexual compulsions or sociological and / or transgressions including addiction to sex, adultery and rape. The concept of Dante was "excessive love for others," which would result in love and devotion to God as one second.

Greed applies only to the acquisition of wealth in particular. This sin has caused problems in all governments worldwide. Characters like Hitler, Stalin, Pinochet Napoleon or blindly were overrun by greed, and this brought serious consequences for the development of democracy in the world. Also, the anger can be described as a feeling of hatred and anger. These feelings can manifest as a denial of truth, both to others and made yourself, impatience with the procedures of law and the desire for revenge.

As greed, envy is characterized by an insatiable desire, however, differ by two major reasons: First, greed is more associated with material goods, while the envy may be more general, secondly, those who commit the sin of envy want something that someone else has, and they perceive that they need. Dante defined this as "love themselves to goods perverted desire to deprive others of theirs." The Purgatorio of Dante, the punishment for jealous was to close their eyes and Coco, who had received a pleasure to see others fall. Finally, pride is considered the original and most serious of Seven Deadly Sins, and indeed, is also the main source of stemming the other. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to flattery to the other. This sin is committed by lucifer want to be like God.

I think that the world is on trial with God. They must be strong to the sins that the devil offers. Committing a sin capital is serious for the Catholic faith and for the development of the same person. Each is committed to live in harmony and at peace with the neighbor.

1: take it by

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