lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

Seven deadly sins: - Greed and avarice a bad sins

COD: 200410250.

Greed and avarice a bad sins

All people have some shortcomings that we must improve, the seven deadly sins, are a sample of the vices of humans. The deadly sins are: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, anger and arrogance. These vices were mentioned by the first Catholics to educate people.

The Catholic religion mentions that these sins can be forgiven only if people confess. Many people commit these vices by necessity and for this reason all people have the opportunity to confess.

Moreover one of the most serious deadly sins is greed or avarice. In many countries people see it as theft and robbery with violence, these are two clear examples of these vices because people always want more material things.

In many countries the government has problems with these sins. Many people who work in government betray the other with bribes because they want the personal benefit, but not everyone has these vices. Many people are helping others and not care about material things. Great characters in the human history like as Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Gandhi devoted his entire life to helping people and not looking for material things.

In conclusion, people must help others and not seek their benefit. Everyone knows that it is difficult to refuse and say no, but it is important that we all think that life is not only money and fame.

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